Reflecting on Covid 19

Covid 19 /The Corona Virus

On the 15th May 1951 I was born into a world that was so different than what we have today. The second world war had ended 6 years previously and the world was on the crest of  a huge wave of progress and affluence.  I am now approaching my 70th year and the Corona Virus we call Covid 19 has made me question all that I see in this world.

Many of our problems back then were local; many customs and traditions were confined to specific areas, We were controlled by institutions and custom. Global events didn’t overly concern us and most of us had our own ideas about living a contented life.

Over the past 70 years such progress has been made in so many different fields. Social media and the internet have changed the world that we share beyond all recognition. Our world has become a much smaller place. We suddenly have to live in a global community and we have come to realise that we are all, to a greater or lesser extent, interconnected.

Living in such a global community brings with it much greater challenges. Today everyone on the planet can have their say on any issue they wish. Instantly, opinions and solutions portrayed as “expert” can be presented to the masses as essential.

This freedom has led to great confusion and upheaval and even hysteria. Powerful people have learned how to manipulate these circumstances to their own ends and threaten the values and standards that we once accepted as correct. Many will now insist on their rights while ignoring their obligations.

Our duty of care still includes: protection of our environment, help for dislocated communities, a dignified and sustainable life for all, and adequate care for the sick and less able. We now realise that we are accountable for the welfare of our planet and yet we seem to have forgotten how to live together as a community.

By 2020, many global leaders and governments were driven by economic gain and acquisitions of wealth and status.  – Kindness, Compassion and Love are not on their agenda,   (except when it serves their purpose). Many millions of people were driven by a need to survive in this new world order. Wealth, Power and Influence became the status symbols of success and were being pursued like a run a way train.

Today the catastrophic results of this grab all approach can be seen all around us. Global Poverty is increasing. Health services are underfunded, Suicide rates are rising, Mental Illness is on the increase, Homelessness is rampant in our cities, More and more people are being marginalised, drug use is rife and  war and conflict is widespread, So many people are demanding their rights and yet  ignoring their obligations,

On December 1st 2019 in Hubei province in the city of Wuhan China the world changed forever. The first incidents of what was to become known as Covid 19 presented but was covered up until the virus had spread across China and later across the entire world. While we all await the arrival of a successful vaccine, we struggle to maintain a viable lifestyle. It is becoming clearer by the day that in order to survive we must return to the values that we once held, such as, care for others, generosity, kindness and compassion. We need to reflect on our responsibilities and not on our rights. Personal responsibility is the only way that we will ever defeat this virus. We have a duty to everyone in our global community to do what is right.

It is now more important than ever to stand up for what is right. It is no longer acceptable to keep our heads down and say nothing. We must call out injustice and even, if necessary, go against the populist views presented by those pursuing their own narrow agenda. If we do this with all of our strength we will enter a new and better world when the vaccine arrives.

Hopefully we will all have the courage and strength to do what is needed.

October 2020


Pope Francis In Ireland

Reflections on The visit of Pope Francis to Ireland            25th /26th August 2018

During the visit of Pope Francis for the world meeting of families we saw families from all corners of the world. We listened to their stories and also heard of the abuse of children at the hands of the clergy. Amid the media frenzy the overall mood was one of criticism and blame. An important message from the visit of Pope Francis was lost. Religion is simply a way to help us develop our spirituality. It is a human structure and therefore cannot be perfect. We must allow the Pope to reform the church and be held to account, but we should not disregard its teachings.


  • Religion and Spirituality

If we accept that Spirituality is a discovery of our own conscious self, recognising that we are more than just a body, but that we are “spirit” with infinite potential, then we can begin to differentiate between spirituality and religion.


  • Religion

Religion is a set of rules and explanations that are based on the “spiritual”              experiences of others down through the ages. Spirituality allows us to discover and develop our own “religion” or set of beliefs based on our own life experience.


  • Religous leaders

All of the great religious leaders, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammad etc., began with deep personal spiritual journeys which empowered them before embarking on their spiritual teaching. It therefore must follow that all genuine Religions are signposts to truth and the one constant is love. Therefore religion should lead to a spiritual journey of joy, self enlightenment and self fulfilment. Most importantly we must only use Religion as a method of discovering our own Spirituality and Truth.


  • World Religions

Since all world religions have been set up by others and formulated as a result of human experience, they eventually become structured political institutions and are vulnerable to the imperfections and weaknesses of such human organizations. We therefore should assess the teaching of these religions relative to our own situation.


  • Spirituality and the Human Mind

Is a belief in God and an afterlife simply a prerequisite of the human condition or are we all a part of a much bigger reality?.  Exploring our spirituality within our life experience and using the experiences of others through religion we can arrive at our own conclusions. The danger is, by simply living our daily lives controlled by the norms of a material world, that we may miss out on so much of our potential to achieve true fulfilment and happiness.


  • Developing Spirituality

Many of us are conditioned by our career paths, our families or our relationships. We can become trapped by the expectations of society and drift away from that which brings true fulfilment and inner peace. To develop spiritually we must regularly take time out to re examine and evaluate our life. We also need time to be quiet and at peace, this allows us to explore the world in all its magnificence and diversity. It will also bring us closer to understanding how special we really are.


Celebrating 1916

1916 and all that


So our wee republic  is 100 years old soon. I wonder how well we’ve done . Its a good time to review the aspirations and ideas that were so bravely fought for in 1916 by many brave men and women. Those were people who cherished what it was to be Irish. They wanted to create a republic that was socially just and welcoming, a place where we cared for each other and helped each other. A land that was proud of its rich heritage , and finally a place where we could all prosper together in a fair and just society. These men and women entrusted their ideals to our elected representatives  in the Dáil, Seanad and Councils of Ireland. Down through the years many other good men and women carried on with the work in their daily lives but  how have we progressed as a nation?1916 dublin

Emigration has increased exponentially ,we have lost our young and talented youth

People are dying on the streets

Most of our workers are working for barely a living wage.

Many have no homes to call their own


Homeless in Dublin


Our health service is broken

Our education system is underfunded

Our national integrity and pride has been  destroyed by countless scandals

Our young generation are turning to crime, drugs and alcohol.

Where are we and our elected representatives in all of this ?

The statiDublinstics are showing that a uplift is ongoing in our economy. The large co-operations are returning record profits. The wealthiest  10% in the country control 30% of all the wealth. Government are legislating to increase the wealth of the wealthy.

Maybe its time to call a halt.

It would appear that we have allowed ourselves to put….


prosperity in front of compassion

work in front of family

profit before people

its not to late to change but we must start asking the right questions and demanding the correct action. More importantly we must make a stand for what we believe in.


Lets celebrate 1916 for all the right reasons and get back our identity and dignity.


Ch'iCh’i.….The ancient Chinese described it as “life force”.

Ch’i can be best defined as the name given to the life process or flow of energy that sustains all living beings. The Sanscrit (a sacred language used by Hindus and Bhuddists) defines it as  “ Life Force”. Ancient civilizations believed ch’i permeated everything and linked our surroundings together. They likened it to the flow of energy around and through the body, forming a cohesive and functioning unit.

So can we relate spirituality and ch’i ? Pondering the origins of spirit and of ch’i feeds very much into the need in the human psyche for a sense of belonging. There is a logical need in all of us to belong. To be more than the physical, to hope for more than what we experience in our human existence.

Religions, Sects, Prophets and Philosophers have all addressed this need to a greater or lesser extent. Some seek proof of a greater existence and some seek to prove the existence of spirit or soul  with arguments of logic or faith.

But how are we to explore the possibility that a greater life force exists or that we are a part of a greater entity?

What part do religions, dogma and faith play in helping understand this great mystery? and where should we go for inspiration?




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