1916 and all that
So our wee republic is 100 years old soon. I wonder how well we’ve done . Its a good time to review the aspirations and ideas that were so bravely fought for in 1916 by many brave men and women. Those were people who cherished what it was to be Irish. They wanted to create a republic that was socially just and welcoming, a place where we cared for each other and helped each other. A land that was proud of its rich heritage , and finally a place where we could all prosper together in a fair and just society. These men and women entrusted their ideals to our elected representatives in the Dáil, Seanad and Councils of Ireland. Down through the years many other good men and women carried on with the work in their daily lives but how have we progressed as a nation?
Emigration has increased exponentially ,we have lost our young and talented youth
People are dying on the streets
Most of our workers are working for barely a living wage.
Many have no homes to call their own
Our health service is broken
Our education system is underfunded
Our national integrity and pride has been destroyed by countless scandals
Our young generation are turning to crime, drugs and alcohol.
Where are we and our elected representatives in all of this ?
The statistics are showing that a uplift is ongoing in our economy. The large co-operations are returning record profits. The wealthiest 10% in the country control 30% of all the wealth. Government are legislating to increase the wealth of the wealthy.
Maybe its time to call a halt.
It would appear that we have allowed ourselves to put….
prosperity in front of compassion
work in front of family
profit before people
its not to late to change but we must start asking the right questions and demanding the correct action. More importantly we must make a stand for what we believe in.
Lets celebrate 1916 for all the right reasons and get back our identity and dignity.