Family Tree
In the Family tree section I will include details of
the Mulligan Family Tree from Dundalk Ireland.
It is also available in Book form from
Click here for the will of Thomas Mulligan 1750 Will
In the Family tree section I will include details of
the Mulligan Family Tree from Dundalk Ireland.
It is also available in Book form from
Click here for the will of Thomas Mulligan 1750 Will
It has been said that poetry is a window to the soul ….or at least a place where we can explore our innerfeelings. Here are some poems written over time. To read the full poem just click on the link andfeel free to add your own poem or simply comment on what you read….. |
A Wise Old Man ……wisdom of AgeThe Garden …….thats Life !!Journey’s End ……time outThe Smile …… some things don’t changeTime World …….into the Future ?The Minder ……. Leadership |
Photos here
Before a child attends Preschool, the importance of Esteem, Friendship, Love and Security cannot be stressed highly enough. It is from these four basic needs that a child’s learning environment develops.
The following Pyramid applies to the social development of a child. We can see that before reaching the higher order of learning the basic needs must be in place.
Welcome to the Education Section. Here you can post questions about Pre School and Primary school issues and homework problems. In time you will also find links to useful resources and please feel free to add some of your own.
SCRATCH is a programming language that leads to lateral thinking and developing problem solving skills.It lets Primary and Secondary School Pupils create their own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art.
Travel pics here