Time World
Barcelona, Freddie Mercury,
Where to begin and where does it end?
I spoke to a man today
Who used to be a friend
He said that that world had passed away
But when and how could it end?
They say that life is a journey
Caught in the web of time
With temporal rules and feelings
Like a poem it has to rhyme
Yes life itself is simple
It has its course to run
It’s pain and jubilation
Are laid out end to end
It’s not for understanding
Or even to control
We simply move along in time
Its within time we grow
We see it all around us
The time that used to be
The time that’s for tomorrow
But where then will we be
When we share it all together
Then we are as one
We lead our lives, participate
and leave nothing left undone
The Buddha on the mountain
The pharaoh on the throne
The Beggar on the doorstep
Looking for a home
So what of the times of yesterday
The feelings and the fun
Have they really gone away
And are they really done
Just what is it we’re part of
The answer’s all around
Feelings and emotions
A“force”not temporal bound.
The arguments of logic
Of right and wrong lose face
We cannot understand it
By citing time and place
The mystery of existence
Of being in a place
Of sharing things together
Not just a human race
The force of past emotions
That reach into our time
past friends and generations
that linger in the mind
There is no past or future
The present is the thing
That we should build our lives upon
To make our spirit sing
But what of our tomorrows
And friends we’ve yet to meet
The deadlines or the troubles
That we have yet to greet
We have the force within us
We’ve had it for all time
Before there was religion
Before there was a time
Written of by sages
of Greece or ancient Rome
Of contempletive existors
Of Jesuits or Kung
This force is our existence
Beyond the bounds of time
It binds us all together
Its magic is sublime
And when we look around our life
And whats inside our heart
It’s a testament to One
Of which we’re all a part
We’re all of one existence
One journey and one time
One singular magnificience
Beyond the grasp of time. JM 2003