Chess for Children

Chess for children can be great fun and an invaluable learning experience. It can be played in reality against an opponent or virtually on line against the computer. There are many excellent learning sites for those wishing to learn chess at any level including

 Click here to play Kidchess

  Video tuitions are found here: Chess Lessons

On the chessboard, the person who plays the first move that comes into their head will almost certainly lose, said Cronin. “Chess motivates the highly impulsive child to stop and think.”When you play chess, you are going to deal with winning or losing, you’re going to deal with frustration, mistakes and, of course, with challenging emotions,”

In 2012 The European Parliament acknowledged the role chess plays in improving “children’s concentration, patience and persistence” along with their “sense of creativity, intuition, memory, and analytic and decision-making skills”.

Spain and Italy have followed the advice given by the European Commission and introduced chess onto their school curriculums.


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“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity” – Dorothy Parker

The more you learn, the more you want to learn, the more the world becomes more interesting to you, and discovering it becomes more fun.

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